25 September 2008

Marhaban Ya 'Eidulfitri...Ramadhan Al-Mubarak, kuharapkan akan bertemu kembali...InsyaAllah

Salam Ramadhan,

saya nak ucapkan Selamat Menyambut 'Eidulfitri yang akan menjelang tiba kepada semua kawan-kawan. ..
Mohon Maaf Zahir Batin dipinta kalau ada salah silap sepanjang-panjang tahun nie...tahun-tahun sebelumnya dan tahun-tahun yang akan datang sekiranya diizinkan umur masih panjang....
Bagi yang balik kampung, berhati-hati di jalanraya...
Bagi yang naik belon...berhati- hati di awang-awangan. ..
Bagi yang naik bas..berhati- hati dengan pemandu bas yang mengantuk semasa memandu...
dan bagi yang tidak balik beraya di kampung masing-masing. ...Selamat Berhari Raya juga walau di mana anda berada

Disebalik kesibukan persiapan Hari Raya...dan kekalutan membuat biskut raya, membeli barang-barang raya, jangan pulak kita lupa...di akhir Ramadhan inilah peluang kita untuk meningkatkan amalan dan ibadah kita....peluang yang diberi setahun sekali untuk memperbanyakkan amalan kita...

Ubadah Bin Somit ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda pada suatu hari ketika Ramadhan hampir menjelang: "Telah datang kepadamu bulan Ramadhan, di mana Allah melimpah ruahkan di dalamnya dengan keberkatan, menurunkan rahmat, mengampuni dosa-dosa kamu, memakbulkan doa-doa kamu, melihat di atas perlumbaan kamu untuk memperolehi kebaikan yang besar dan berbangga mengenaimu di hadapan malaikat-malaikat. Maka tunjukkanlah kepada Allah Taala kebaikan dari kamu. Sesungguhnya orang yang bernasib malang ialah dia yang dinafikan daripada rahmat Allah pada bulan ini."

Mudah-mudahan selama sebulan kita menunaikan ibadah puasa ini, kita berada di dalam limpahan KeberkatanNya, mendapat naungan RahmatNya, diAmpuni Dosa-dosa kita, diMakbulkan doa-doa kita dan kita sentiasa berada di atas landasan Iman dan Islam....InsyaAllah

Di akhir-akhir Ramadhan ini, sama-samalah kita merebut peluang untuk mendapatkan Malam Seribu Malam..Malam yang lebih baik dari malam-malam yang lain...Mudah- mudahan kita akan digolongkan dikalangan orang-orang yang bertaqwa...Aaamin

Mudah-mudahan juga kita bukan berada di kalangan orang yang bernasib malang yang dinafikan daripada RahmatNya, yang tersimpang jauh dari landasan Iman dan Islam dan tersasar jauh dari Pintu Rahmat dan KeampunanNya. ...Na'uzubillahi minzaalik

Abu Hurairah ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa berbuka satu hari di siang hari bulan Ramadhan tanpa alasan yang wajar (disegi syariah) atau sakit yang kuat, tidak akan dapat menampung atau mengganti hari tersebut walaupun akan berpuasa sehingga ke akhir hayatnya."


19 September 2008

What!!!...only RM15.90???

Last weekend, while waiting for my friend in MPH Mid Valley searching for her book, i look around and found something that interest me...An Illustrated Biography - Mahathir Mohamad by E.Yu.

This is something different. An illustrated biography....that i think, it's difficult to find a biography book that is fully illustrated-cartoon somemore.

i browse thru the book....interesting and eye-catching. Kids will be able to understand, adult will feel excitement of reading and i'm really really sure that many will agree with me - fun,interesting,eye-catching, and the price....unbelieveable! after looking at glance, i check on the price and it suprised me...i check on the price few times...is there something wrong with my eyes or it's just me who did not expect the price is that reasonable. With a few hundreds pages, and fully illustrated, it only cost me RM15.90. Then, I must buy this book!.

Lucky me...at that time, the illustrator and writer of the book will be in the store to have book signing and a brief session introducing his book...lucky me...lucky me...lucky me...hehehehe...i have a book with the author signature, and some of the books i bought in Book Fair last April also have the author signature...

The book signing and the session went well...me and my friend manage to take photos with the author and it's kinda funny to watch him explaining about the book because this is his first time ever having a session like that...tau-taujelah camner session tu...a bit kelamkabut but in a funny way.

There goes my collection of books...dah penuh dah rak buku...plan to add some more book shelf for my collections later.

I include the book description courtesy from MPH BookStore.

Eugene Yu has created a comic strip chronicling the life of Dr Mahathir Mohamad on the time he was born till his retirement as the fourth Prime Minister.

“Everyone in Malaysia know that Dr Mahathir was the Prime Minister of Malaysia but that’s about it. So, to know more about him, I started reading all the books on Dr Mahathir that I could find in the market. And guess what? Words can’t describe the admiration and respect I had for him after that.

This book will attract readers especially younger readers to know more about Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and perhaps they too would admire, respect and love him like I do”
- E. Yu, taken from the foreword

18 September 2008

Travellingbie : A short trip, memorable journey....

Salam Ramadhan...
i've just went back to Kota Kinabalu for a very short working trip...
well...it did happen when there's nobody to ask around to come for the meeting and...hey...there's someone who is available and free at that moment and...guess whooo.....it's me!
With a very short notice and furthermore the letter came in late to my boss's hand...there's me to receive a last minute order from the Leftenan...

some did said that i'm being a scapegoat...whenever there's nobody...i'll be around to replace all the officer, some did said that i'm lucky to fly to Sabah for 2D1N just to attend the meeting and 'jalan-jalan'...and some did remind me to go to Filipina market, the famous place in KK....well...we'll see about that if i have time to shop and tour around.

but for me....at the very first place...my thought have been negatively saying that i'm being a scapegoat in the office....but....at the 2nd thought...'tak baik buruk sangka....anggaplah aku sebagai penyelamat keadaan'...well...i better follow my 2nd thought then...

The ticket booking was made and there i am...flying high at 455pm to Kota Kinabalu...and the plane was a little bit delayed, and i reach KK around 815pm. The journey went well...however, MAS should provide a better meal as the meal provided was not acceptional at all...they should practice what Airasia has been practising - sell the delicious food in plane and reduce the ticket fare as much as what Airasia did or even better.

The feeling -
Well..i honestly don't know what to expect as it's like a blind date...
i don't know how to react and since i reached there at night, i cannot see much... i reached the meeting place...nearly at 9pm, get the room, refresh myself and went for a meeting that starts at 9pm till nearly 12 midnight and yet i still have the energy to move around and think! Thank God for giving me this energy which i don't know where it comes from...

the sahur was at 4am, it's weird thouuu....sahur kat kl jam 5am...kat sini awal sejam...well, i better get used to it.
the morning sessions starts at 730am, finalizing all the discussion and matters arises.
hmmm...after the session ended...lucky me, i have been told that there's a transport to bring me to Filipina Market...minds blowing...mind blowing...what else can i buy there besides some 'pesanan' from friends....well...we'll see later

since my flight to KL was at 535pm, i have enough and ample time to shop around and jalan-jalan a bit...unfortunately for me as there was a heavy rain in KK...shopping will not be fun enough with wet dresses and wet shops...but, 'redah je la. dah alang-alang sampai'.
with the money in the pocket...hmmm...i dont think that's enough to shop around
the tentalizing variety of crsytal rings, bracelet, chain and others...sampaikan rambang mata nak pilih yang mana satu....think...think...think rationally...buy only what u need and 'pesanan dari kawan-kawan' :)

finally...i bought the 'rantai mutiara' for my friend, brooches for Hari Raya, t-shirt for myself, fridge magnet for my fridge, 'ikan keropok' for my cousin and for Hari Raya, 'ikan bilis, udang kering, sotong kering, dan amplang for my sister' - i thought amplang was some kind of fish..and now i know what is amplang...heheheh. i end up spending nearly RM300 for that kind of thing and not to mention that most of the things was not for me...hehehehe...biasala tu..after the shopping thing, we went to 'jalan-jalan'. Because of the heavy rain, we can't come out from the car...nevermind then, at least i've been there - to mentions some of the places - Masjid Negeri, Bangunan Persekutuan, Pejabat Ketua Menteri, UMS, IBorneo Mall, Pasar Kota Kinabalu and along the shore.

the pictures taken was not really good because of the bad weather...feel free to see some of the pictures at http://picasaweb.google.com/bieeyah

i have to say that, the short notice ordered to go to KK was a blessed...now, i can tell my friends that i've been traveling all over Malaysia....hehehehe...and that just complete my list of travel lists in Malaysia. Labuan will be the next spot...InsyaAllah.

15 September 2008


novel yang sedang dibaca sekarang nie...tak sempat nak habiskan sesegera yang mungkin memandangkan banyak komitment di pejabat yang perlu diselesaikan dulu...InsyaAllah sedikit masa lagi selepas kekalutan yang sedang dihadapi sekarang ini....selesai...
baru separuh novel dibaca...apa yang bole dikatakan...menarik dan tak menyesal membeli...

Saya titipkan ulasan dari novel itu dulu:

Kata Rumi:
pasangan yang bercinta bukan bertemu di satu tempat akhirnya
mereka sudah bersama sejak dari azali lagi

Inilah sebuah cerita cinta yang ditulis dalam nada yang berbeza.
Dua benua. Tiga negara. Empat nyawa.
Dan satu takdir yang tersimpul mati!

Sebuah episod pengembaraan yang merentasi garis-garis deja vu
Suatu pelarian tanpa noktah
dan rentetan pertemuan-pertemuan aneh seorang Damien.

Kenapa setelah sepuluh tahun berselang
Ashraf harus mencari Laila yang hilang
sedangkan isterinya, Nini ditinggalkannya pergi?

Dan begitu mahalkah harga cinta, sehinggakan Suraya meninggalkan-Nya demi dia?


wokey....my turn pulak untuk buat ulasan
bagi saya...membaca buku nie seumpama mengembara ke merata pelusuk dunia...

  • kembara di padang pasir bersama Ashraf yang mencari Laila nya
  • kembara bersama damien yang mencari ayahnya sehingga bertemu dengan ayah kandungnya yang tidak disangka-sangka
  • kembara nini dari bumi Malaysia ke Asia Barat yang membawa padah - untuk mencari redha dan keampunan dari seorang yang bernama Suami
  • kembara Suraya dari Malaysia ke Tanah Britain yang kecewa kerana cinta hingga sanggup menggadaikan ketauhidan yang telah dipupuk sejak lahir lagi

Rentetan peristiwa demi peristiwa yang dialami oleh setiap karakter ternyata mengesankan...

Asharaf yang merasai satu kehilangan di dalam hidupnya...mencari-cari Lailanya di pelusuk tanah Arab yang tandus, lantas meningglkan isterinya di Malaysia. Isteri yang tidak dicintainya kerana cintanya hanya kepada Laila...atas rasa bersalah tersebut, dia mencari Laila walaupun mengetahui pencarian tersebut bakal mengundang bahaya pada dirinya...

Suraya yang terpedaya dengan janji manis seorang paderi sehingga membawa kepada murtadnya seorang Islam mungkin pernah berlaku di alam realiti. Missionari-missionari seperti itu selalu tekad di dalam merubah ketauhidan seseorang Islam dan merubahnya kepada Kristianisasi...dengan janji-janji manis yang ditaburkan, dengan ucapan-ucapan syahdu yang bisa mencairkan hati seorang wanita, Suraya terpedaya dengan manusia yang bertopengkan syaitan sehingga sanggup mencemarkan kitab suci agamanya sendiri demi seorang lelaki. Setelah bertahun hidup dalam kegelapan...ada sekelumit sinar hidayah yang muncul menyelamatkan Suraya dari terus sesat dalam kegelapan...

karakter yang lainnya mungkin boleh diketahui dengan membaca terus novel nie...memang menarik dan tak menyesal membeli

11 September 2008

10 Principles That Will Change Your Financial Life Forever

Salaam Ramadhan,
I found this great book about managing financial especially my financial in everydays life.

This ebook is suitable for those who want to:
  • get out of debt including your mortgage, personal loan, car loan and whatever loan you have in this world;
  • gain immediate control of your personal finances
  • save 10% of your gross income and be able to predict how much money you will need to retire;
  • never argue with your partner about financial and budgeting.
I realize long ago that MONEY is EMOTIONAL, NOT MATHEMATICAL...but i never realized that I've been involved in this EMOTIONAL long ago, before i even knew that MONEY is EMOTIONAL.

First, you have to answer all the questions given before deciding not to agree with me that Money is Emotional, and Not Mathematical:
  1. How often do you argue with your spouse about money?
  2. Do you know exactly how much money you spent in the last week? On what exactly did you spend it?
  3. How much money do you save each month?
  4. What percent of your income goes toward paying off debt?
  5. What percentage of your income goes toward paying all taxes required of you?
Most of the answers given are startling:
  1. “We argue every day about money; it’s always an issue.”
  2. “I couldn’t tell you every single item I bought last week. It seems tedious to track all the expenses i've made"
  3. “We have more than $15,000 in credit card debt.”
  4. “Everyone buys on credit today; no one can survive without going into debt.”
  5. “I don’t ever put anything into savings; how can I? I barely have enough to pay my bills and all my taxes.”
  6. “We live from paycheck to paycheck; it seems like we’ll never get ahead.”
  7. “I have no idea how much of my paycheck goes towards paying taxes. I haven’t ever really given it any thought.”
Principle # 1 - Spending is Emotional;
Principle # 2 - When you track your money, you control it; - track all the expenses you've made..
Principle # 3 - Saving is actually delayed spending; - you save and later you'll spend all the money for the so called emergency cases
Principle # 4 - Power down your debt, and power up your fortune; - try to reduce your debt
Principle # 5 - Know the rules. - Cover your Risks;
Principle # 6 - The Rules are Always Changing;
Principle # 7 - Always Look at the Big Picture;
Principle # 8 - Organizing Your Finances Enables the Creation of Additional Wealth;
Principle # 9 - Understanding taxation allows you to keep more of your money;
Principle # 10 - Money in Motion Creates More Money.

Feel free to find the ebook in the internet if you want to read more...:)
Salaam Ramadhan